marți, 30 noiembrie 2010

Hannah Montana

      Mda... stiu ca e o trupa pentru fete d-aia no sa pun atat suflet cat am pus la postarea cu Jhonass Brodhers... Dar,totusi unele cantece sunt frumoase cum ar fi Ordinary Girl... nu atat de frumoase cum e si serialul de pe Disney, dar oricum sunt reusite. Oricum stiu ca toti baietii si in special fetele o sa zika comentarii stupide dar inca blogul nu e dat in folosinta asa ca nu va mirati de ce nu sant comentarii. Si mai stiu ca aceste doua postari Disney sunt doar doua dintre multe alte trupe care imi plac (da in jos pana la B.U.G). Apropo, avand in vedere ca nu sunt piese romanesti (sa dea dracu sa pun  vre0data manele), ar trebui sa mai scriu si in engleza. (simt c-o sa ma doara si mana si capu')



      Michael Poryes, who is credited as co-creator, also co-created the hit Disney Channel Original Series That's So Raven. The show is produced by It's a Laugh Productions, Inc. and Michael Poryes Productions, in association with Disney Channel Original Productions. It is filmed at Sunset Bronson Studios in Hollywood, California.

     The original idea for this show was based on the That's So Raven episode "Goin' Hollywood", which served as the backdoor pilot for a sitcom tentatively called Better Days to star Alyson Stoner, in which a child star of a popular TV show of the same name was to try her hand at going to a normal school. The episode "New Kid in School" has the basic premise as that aforementioned episode. Former American Juniors finalist Jordan McCoy, future Gossip Girl actress Taylor Momsen and pop and R&B singer
    JoJo (who rejected the role) were considered for the role of Chloe Stewart. Miley Cyrus originally auditioned for the role of the "best friend" Lilly Romero, later changed to Lilly Truscott, but they thought she would be better for the main character, so she tried out for Chloe Stewart/Hannah Montana. Chloe Stewart was later changed to Miley. 

     The names of Hannah Montana were changed a few times. Three of the previous names were Anna Cabana, Samantha York, and Alexis Texas.
In December 2006, Disney announced plans to release Hannah Montana products, including clothing, jewelry, apparel, and dolls, at selected stores.

      Play Along Toys released the Hannah Montana fashion dolls, singing dolls, Miley Stewart doll, and other merchandise in August 2007. More Hannah dolls were released in November, along with Oliver, Lilly, and later Jake Ryan dolls. They became one of the most popular Christmas toys in 2007.
     According to the Daily Dispatch, the TV series held a global audience of 200 million viewers in 2008. "If Miley’s viewers were a country, they would be the fifth largest population in the world – just ahead of Brazil."By February 2008, the Hannah Montana franchise had become so important that Disney convened an "80-person, all-platform international meeting to discuss Hannah Montana's future."
     All Disney business segments were represented at the meeting.

     The theme song for Hannah Montana is "The Best of Both Worlds" written by Matthew Gerrard and Robbie Nevil, produced by Gerrard and performed by Miley Cyrus (as Hannah Montana). John Carta, who also composed the music cues to signify scene changes and commercial breaks for the first season, composed the music for the song. The song's lyrics describe the basic premise of the television series.

      The full-length version of the song, which is 2 minutes, 54 seconds in length, was included on the show's soundtrack, released in October 2006. For the TV version of the theme, which lasts only 50 seconds, only the first two stanzas and the last two were used. "Just Like You" and "The Other Side of Me" were originally tested for the opening theme song, before "Best of Both Worlds" was chosen as the theme.

     The opening sequence for the first two seasons features episode clips of each cast member when their name appears. Each cast member's name is "wiped" on the screen in a marquee-light-style. The sequence then switches to full-screen episode clips (most of the clips used in the Season One version of the sequence were of the early produced episodes) with the creator's names appearing in the second-to-last clip.
      The show's title logo design appears at the beginning and end of the sequence (the latter portion on the "concert stage" features Cyrus as her character Hannah Montana). The only change to the sequence for season two were the replacement of episode clips and the addition of the Disney logo above the show's title logo.
       For season three, a new version of the opening credits was used. It features Miley as herself and Hannah Montana in a Times Square-like setting. The names of the actors and actresses and clips from the show appear in a sort-of marquee board and it features Hannah Montana with her new wig and clothes style. The song playing is a remixed version of "The Best of Both Worlds", that was originally recorded for (and heard in) Hannah Montana: The Movie. This marked the first time that a Disney Channel series has completely revamped its opening title sequence. The sequence was reformatted for high definition and slightly altered for season four, with the credit typing changed, the addition of the "Forever" wording in the main title logo, the removal of Mitchel Musso from the credit sequence and the inclusion of clips from season four episodes.


      On August 23, 2007, Buddy Sheffield sued Disney over Hannah Montana, alleging that he originally came up with the idea for Hannah Montana, but was never compensated by Disney. In the lawsuit, Sheffield claims that he pitched an idea for a TV series with the name of "Rock and Roland" to Disney Channel in 2001 with the plot of a junior high student who lived a secret double life as a rock star. The lawsuit claims that Disney Channel executives at first liked the idea, but passed on the series.

      On April 9, 2010, Hannah Montana co-creators Rich Correll and Barry O'Brien filed a lawsuit against Disney for $5 million over profits from the show. Correll and O'Brien claim they were denied their fair share of profits and pre-negotiated percentage-based bonuses based on their backend deals and WGA requirements for writers who receive "created by" credits. Correll who also directed a number of episodes of series, also claims that he was unfairly terminated and blackballed by Disney after testifying in connection with a WGA arbitration. A spokesperson says Disney is declining to comment on the suit. Michael Poryes, the third Hannah Montana creator, sued Disney on similar grounds in October 2008.



Jhonas Brothers

Bibliografie KEVIN JONAS

     Paul Kevin Jonas al II-lea (n. 5 noiembrie 1987), cunoscut şi drept Kevin Jonas sau K2, este un actor şi muzician american, fondator al trupei Jonas Brothers.


     S-a nascut in Teaneck, New Jersy, SUA, pe data de 5 noiembrie 1987. E cunoscut sub numele Paul Kevin Jonas al II-lea, Kevin Jonas sau K2. Zodia sa este scorpion. Mama sa se numeşte Denise iar tatăl Kevin Paul Jonas Sr.. El are trei fraţi: Joe JonasNick Jonas şi Frankie Jonas . Are o înălţime de 1,75 metri, ochi căprui şi păr şaten . S-a casatorit cu Danielle Deleasa (Danielle Jonas)
      Despe Kevin nu spui multe dar Dragostea pentru Muzica spune o gramada!

Bibliografie JOE JONAS

     Joseph Adam „Joe” Jonas (n. 15 august 1989) este un muzicancântăreţ şi actor american. A debutat în 2006 alături de fraţii lui, Nick şi Kevin, ca membrii ai formaţiei pop rock Jonas Brothers cu albumulIt's About Time.
     A jucat în primul film în 2008, intitulat Camp Rock, de pe coloana sonoră a căruia a lansat mai multe piese alături de ceilalţi membri ai distribuţiei, „This Is Me” în colaborare cu Demi Lovatodevenind un hit de top 10 în Billboard Hot 100.
     Născut pe 15 august 1989 în Casa GrandeArizona, fiind al doilea fiu al lui Paul, muzican, compozitor şi fost pastor penticostal şi Denise Jonas, cântăreaţă şi prefesoară specială pentru surdo-muţi. Strămoşii lui provin din Europa, anume ItaliaIrlanda şi Germania, fiind şi parţial amerindian cherokee. Niciunul dintre copiii cuplului nu au urmat cursurile unei şcoli, mama lor fiindu-le profesoară acasă.
      Obţinând o educaţie bazată pe principii religioase, toţi cei patru fraţi sunt abstinenţi, declarând că nu au băut alcool niciodată şi nici nu au fumat. De asemenea, poartă inele de puritate, reprezentând faptul că refuză să aibă relaţii sexuale de orice fel înainte de căsătorie. Joe a afirmat că „[inelul] reprezintă o promisiune făcută nouă şi lui Dumnezeu, că vom fi puri până la căsătorie. Această decizie de a purta inele de puritate a dus la comentarii din partea comicului Russell Brand la ediţia din 2008 a premiilor MTV, cu toate că vedete ca Jordin SparksParis Hilton şi Perez Hilton au declarat în urma incidentului că susţin ideea promovată de gmuzical.

Cariera de actor

A jucat in: Jonas; Jonas L.A; Camp rock; Camp rock 2 THE FINAL JAM 

Bibliografie NICK JONAS

     Nicholas Jerry „Nick” Jonas (n. 16 septembrie 1992DallasSUA) este un interpretcompozitor şi actor american, cunoscut în principal pentru apartenenţa sa la formaţia Jonas Brothers, din care mai fac parte fraţii săi, Joe şi Kevin. Nick este cel mai tânăr membru al formaţiei. De mic, Nick Jonas şi-a dorit să devină cântăreţ, în 1999 lansând un album solo la care a lucrat împreună cu tatăl său.
      În 2006, Nick şi fraţii săi au lansat primul album, intitulat It's about time.
În 2005, la vârsta de 14 ani, când a fost diagnosticat cu tipul 1 de diabet, Nick a declarat: „Imediat după ce am ieşit din spital am avut un concert; vestea nu m-a împiedicat atunci, nu o face nici acum şi nu o va face niciodată!”.
     Nick cântă la chitară (acustică şi electrică), tobe şi pian. Joacă baseball, tenis, compune cântece şi colecţionează carduri de baseball.
     Nick Jonas a fost implicat într-un scandal în 2007, atunci când Miley Cyrus i-a trimis acestuia poze intime, fotografii pe care un hacker le-a făcut publice pe internet. Situaţia creată a afectat atât reputaţia luiMiley Cyrus, cât şi a trupei Jonas Brothers.
      În 2010, Nick Jonas a lansat propriul album., cu ajutorul trupei Nick Jonas and The Administration.
     Nick Jonas a fost diagnosticat cu diabet zaharat (de tip I insulino-dependent), din a cărui cauză a leşinat în timpul unui concert. Ca urmare, Nick a creat o fundaţie pentru ajutorarea copiilor diabetici

Dragi fani Jonas Brothers!

Salut! Sunt fan Jonas Bruthers, dar imi plac si alte trupe. Aceasta trupa imi place, cei trei baieti sunt talentati, draguti, stiu sa se descurce, si cu toate ca fac muylti bishtari dupa fiecare concurs, nu uita ca sunt oameni. Ce vreau sa spun e ca Nick, Joe si Kevin sunt doar niste beietzi care isi iau multi dolari dar nu se poarta ca niste staruri adevarate. 

luni, 29 noiembrie 2010

Child's Play

      Acum doua saptamani am vazut filmul Child's Play. Il am pe caseta si il recomand oricum tuturor iubitorilor de filme de groaza. Este un film super misto, este vorba despre o papusa blestemata si tot filmul reprezinta o serie de crime facute de Chuckie.
    Child's Play este un film horror american din anul 1988 scris de Don Mancini şi regizat de Tom Holland. Aceste staruri, Chris Sarandon şi Brad Dourif, care au fost nominalizati în acelaşi an, în 1975 cu premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun actor in rol secundar. 

                                                                             Child's Play - Trailer

     Acesta a fost lansat pe 9 noiembrie 1998. Filmul a cunoscut un succes moderat. Filmul este primul din seria Child's Play, iar aceasta serie contine 5 filme. Acesta a fost singurul film din serie lansat de MGM / UA, deoarece drepturile au fost vandute Universal.
    Impreuna cu alte episoade începe să devină mai evident comic, deoarece are mai mult de un concept standard cu o abordare limba-in-obraz, care sperie combinate directă cu dialogul care satiriza filmele Slasher. În 2008, un remake al filmului a fost confirmată şi acum programat pentru o versiune 2011.

duminică, 28 noiembrie 2010

The CandyMan

    Apropo de titlul blogului, TheCandyMan. De ce l-am pus? In primul rand ca nu aveam idei si in al doilea rand ca oricum e unul dintre filmele mele preferate.
   M-am gandit sa mai scriu si in egleza:)>.

   Helen Lyle is a student who decides to write a thesis about local legends and myths. She visits a part of the town, where she learns about the legend of the Candyman, a one-armed man who appears when you say his name five times, in front of a mirror.

                                                                           The CandyMan

    Of course, Helen doesn't believe all this stuff, but the people of the area are really afraid. When she ignores their warnings and begins her investigation in the places that he is rumored to appear, a series of horrible murders begins. Could the legend be true? In Chicago, Helen Lyle and her friend Bernadette Walsh are researching for their thesis about urban legend in the University of Illinois, where Helen's husband Trevor Lyle gives classes.
      Helen becomes obsessed by the legend of the Candyman, a son of slaves whose father became rich in 1890 after inventing a device for mass producing of shoes. The educated Candyman was an artist, but when the daughter of a powerful man got pregnant of him, her father hired some hooligans that saw off his right hand with a rusty blade, took him to an apiary with dozens of hives with hungry bees, smashed the hives and smeared honeycomb in his naked body. Candyman was stung to death by the bees, than his body was burnt in a giant pyre and the ashes scattered on Cabrini Green.
                                                                               The CandyMan

   Candyman stays alive in the legend that says that he would appear if his name is spoken five times in front of the mirror, and the skeptical Helen summons Candyman. Helen and Bernadette go to Cabrini Green, where two unsolved murders had happened, and the dwellers blame Candyman for the crimes. Helen's disbelief brings Candyman back; the dog of Cabrini Green's dweller Anne-Marie McCoy is slashed and her baby vanishes, and Helen is blamed.
   Later Candyman kills her friend Bernadette, and Helen is accused of first degree murder and arrested, while she unsuccessfully tries to prove that Candyman is the real killer. Written by An old tale says that if you say "candyman" five time whilst looking into a mirror, then "he" will appear behind you and cut you in two.
   The heroine of this story is writing a thesis on such tales. During her investigations, she encounters the "candyman". Written by Helen Lyle is writing a paper on urban legends when she hears about the Candyman, who was once an ex-slave-turned-artist name Daniel Robitaille, who had an affair his client's daughter.
   Robitaille's right hand was sawn off, he was covered in honey, and stung to death by bees. If anyone says the word "Candyman" five times in a mirror, he'll appear behind that person, a bloody hook as a replacement for his hand, and kill him. A series of unsolved murders is happening in the Cabrini Green projects and Helen is using this to help with her paper. The residents say the Candyman is to blame, but Helen doesn't believe it. Until she meets the man with a hook for a hand. Now, he's begun to murder her friends and no one believes her. Can Helen clear her name and stop the Candyman from killing anyone else?

    In fine, dupa aceasta prezentare, putin inspirata:d , as vrea sa zic ca am vazut filmul, e o experienta interesanta, cred ca exista si o pelicula 3D, dar eu am vazut numai varianta 2D. Totusi, nu m-am speriat foarte rau, dar oricum nu am avut curaj sa zic Candyman de 5 ori in oglinda=)).

sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010

Inc-o zi, Inc-o poveste

   Inc-o zi, Inc-o poveste. Poate ca nu e inc-o zi, dar nici mult nu mai e:). In fine, titlul postarii e adevarat in toate punctele de vedere. Chiar acum ascultam muzica pe Youtube. Ascultam B.U.G Mafia -  Inc-o zi, Inc-o poveste.
   E o melodie tare, dar si cei care o canta sunt tari. Poate ca nu e cea mai tare piesa B.U.G Mafia dar oricum e tare.
                                                              Black UnderGround Mafia
                                                    Tataee, Caddy, Uzzy                                                 

    Sunt multe siteuri "oficiale", iar cateva dintre ele sunt,,; etc.
   Ca un top de melodii personal sunt:
    1. In anii ce-au trecut
    2. Cand te lovesti de realitate
    3. Supranatural
    4. Strazile
    5. Dupa Blocuri

WWE - Kane Vs Undertaker

   Sall. Am revenit yar, am gasit cv timp liper si am incepus sa scryu din nou:). Tockmai akum eram pe si ma uitam la videoul cu UnDeRtAkEr. In seara aia nu m-am uitat(:| eram foooarte obosit. Tocmai pentru ca n-am vazut m-am gandit sa pun niste videouri:
                                                    The UnderTaker

I like Undertaker, but i Kane more.

   Am vazut meciul in reluare, oricum. A fost foarte misto, acesta este unul dintre multele postari pe cale le voi face. Innainte de meci, ziceam "In momentul de fata UnderTaker este peste Kane din toate punctele de vedere. Kane nu mai este ca in vremurile trecute, acum nici nu mai e folosit ca ME ci pe post de Jobber...Si imi pare rau ca altii cresc pe spatele lui.
   UnderTaker este un om pe care Bookerii l-au pus ca timp de 18 ani cat a aparut la WrestleMania sa nu fie invins...Cred ca la un moment dat se va retrage iar acel lucru va fi la WrestleMania cand probabil Bookerii se vor gandi sa il faca sa piarda asta din cauza ca vor vrea sa creasca poate un Wrestler nou si sa il faca sa lupte cu UnderTaker...Ar mai fi si alta cale ca UnderTaker sa plece din Compania WWE cu tot cu Streak-ul sau.".
   Acum ca am vazut rezultatul ma gandesc ca UnderTaker nu mai e atat de spectaculos cum era in trecut.

vineri, 26 noiembrie 2010


   Salut, azi am inceput prima pagina din blog:):d. Ce sa scriu nu prea sthiu, dar in orike caz n-am chef sa iasa unul pliktisitor:))>. Oricum ma pliktisesc de groaza:_) sunt pe mess \. E 23:44, nu prea sunt multi pe mess=)) dar am 7 momentan. Orikum am sa aleg am in total pe mess cam 544. Pentru majoritatea kre nu stiu, am muulte iduri8-|. De obicey intru pe Chiar acum vb cu * priete**.  Oricum n-am chef sa dau nume, azi nu cred ca o sa fac prea multe postari. Nu e un jurnal online totusi, scriu de placere si ca sa il vada prietenii, oricum puteti baga idul in lista. Nu ma intereseaza cn il baga da nu dati massuri idioate. oricum, cum am zis nu vreau sa fie prea plictisitor. pot sa pun multe chestii, asa k dau poze.